10th Anniversary of
A Tea Store
By sticking to the originality spirit of making tea with traditional technique, A Tea Store presents easy and natural taste which is the brand concept for the population enjoying tea, letting these guests feel that they return to mountain and forest, closing to the sky, rain, dew and soil through enjoying the tea.
Today when the brand has been founded for ten years, we promote the limited tea products named after “Ten”, and designed its special graphic sign with modern sense of balance and simpleness, as well as the traditionally oriental beauty, specially for this anniversary, inspired by the characteristics of the Chinese character “十” and tree. In the aspect of visual image, complex decorative language is removed by Chinese-English format design, and logic arrangement of text messages, so that the information is more highlighted, consumers can clearly and directly touch the brand with heart upon seeing the design, stepping into the imaginary mountain and forest immediately.
有间茶铺(A Tea Store)一直秉承以传统技艺制作茶叶的匠心精神,让茶回归山林,接近天空、雨露和泥土,为饮茶之人奉上安心、自然的味道作为品牌理念。
品牌创立十年之际,推出以 “十” 命名的限定版茶品,并为这次周年活动,我们从汉字 “十” 与树的特征萃取灵感,设计出专属的图形标识,它既有平衡简洁的现代感,又不失东方传统美感。在视觉形象上,通过中英文版式设计、文字信息的逻辑编排,去除繁复的装饰性语言,使信息内容更加突出,让消费者接触设计的同时能清晰、直接与品牌对话,以及萌生有关山林的遐想与下一个十年的期盼。