GDC Award 2021

GDC Award runs every other year to praise and recommend the best designs with an aim to encourage creative designers since its foundation in 1992. Attracting designers from all over the world, GDC developed from “a top design award among Chinese designers” to “one of the most important global design awards”.

A total of 33 internationally renowned designers from countries including China, the U.S., Germany and Singapore reviewed the submitted works. In the professional group, 13 gold, 25 silver and 42 bronze medals were awarded. In the student group, four gold, 20 silver, 28 bronze and 28 jury medals were given. Winning designers came from China, Japan and France, among others.

GDC 设计奖(GDC Award)创立于 1992 年的中国深圳,每两年举办一次。自创立伊始,GDC 设计奖—直通过褒奖和推介最优秀的设计来激励富有创造性的设计师群体。GDC 设计奖吸引了来自全球各地的设计师参加,从“全球华人最顶尖设计奖项”,正逐步迈向“全球最重要设计奖项”之一。

GDC Award 2021 自启动以来受到各界持续关注,组委会共征集到来自全球的参赛作品数量 9787 件,再次创下历史收件记录新高。经过长达半年时间的作品征集,由国际权威评委对所有参赛作品进行严格、公正的统一评选,共决选出 448 件优异奖作品,入选率 4.6%。

33 余位蜚声国际的知名设计师从 448 件入围作品中甄选金、银、铜奖以及评审奖,参赛作品一路过关斩将获选入围已属不易,被众多评委反复斟酌最终摘得奖项的作品,均属当下设计创新力与探索性的代表性精品,备受行业期待。

Design by AO 艺术总监 何欣航

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