Mo Lifestyle Lab
Mo Lifestyle Lab is a new hairdressing brand with individual value and lifestyle as its orientation, it aims at promoting fashion and art in life, and trying to exploring the ideal life which various people are longing for.
In branding design, we give priority to that how to change people’s single and dull impression on traditional hairdressing industry, and introduce the commerciality of brand through the concept of mirror plane refraction, and different persons’ different opinions for lifestyle, deeply into brand fields including “Mo 慕” to hairdressing, “love 爱” of exhibition activities, “drinking 喝” in light drinking mode, “gift 礼” associated with designed commodities, etc.
Mo Lifestyle Lab 慕生活是以关注个人价值及生活方式为导向的美发造型新品牌,旨在推广时尚与艺术在生活中被适用的同时,试图探寻各人心中所向往的理想生活。
在品牌视觉设计中,我们优先考虑了如何改变人们对传统美发行业的单一刻板印象,同时通过镜面折射的概念引出品牌的商业属性及受众对生活方式的各自理解,并深入到品牌关于美发造型的 “慕” 、展览活动的 “爱” 、轻饮方式的 “喝” 及生活礼品的 “礼” 等领域中。